Habeum and Corporate Social Responsibility

Habeum positions this approach as a corporate value, supported by the strong convictions of its founders.

charte diversité global impact

Habeum and all its employees are aware of their impact on both the environment and society and are implementing CSR principles. These are not only convictions, but also a response to the quest for meaning in our role and responsibility
as an economic player (company and employees), which drive our actions.

Envisioning a sustainable development model is a guarantee of progress and durability, the key to shared growth, profitable for Habeum, its employees, its partners and, more broadly, the society and environment in which we interact.

The CSR Charter

Habeum’s commitments are formalized in a Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) Charter, a reference document defining the objectives, principles and roles of each of its employees.

The CSR Charter is accompanied by a 3-year Environmental Plan and a Business Ethics Charter enabling all employees to participate and invest alongside their company.

Within this framework of principles, Habeum is committed to :


To be as close as possible to our convictions, one of Habeum’s employees has passed the RGPD and Sapin II certifications (fight against corruption).

Local actions

Our will is to participate in multiple actions for local associations. The latest one is the collection of hygiene, care and beauty products for the most destitute women.
This collection was made in partnership with the association “Féminité Sans Abri”.

feminite sans abri

Nos partenaires stratégiques

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Email: sales@habeum.com
Téléphone: +33 (0)1 78 96 90 80

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Habeum est membre de la communauté référente des experts IT
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