Habeum Your connectivity & infrastructure partner

Habeum offers its clients its in-depth knowledge of new technologies and its rational and pragmatic approach in order to provide reliable and accessible solutions.
Our structure bases its value proposition on human capital and strong technological partnerships.


Our three core businesses


Professional internet access
Optical fiber & xDSL


Audit & Consulting
Hardware & software
Integration & Support

Managed Services

WaaS – NaaS – IaaS

Habeum in a few figures

customers have trusted us
+ 0
+ 0
AP Wi-Fi
+ 0

With Habeum you have a single provider to manage all your connectivity issues.

This way, you have a single point of entry for all your requests, which greatly simplifies your procedures



An environmental and social approach anchored in our corporate culture.

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Beyond the recognition actions undertaken to obtain labels such as EnVol, Habeum places these approaches as a corporate value, driven by the strong convictions of its founders.

The objective of reducing the environmental impact of our activity is reflected in all its components, from WEEE recycling to remote interventions.

To support our customers and partners we are committed to Green IT certifications. These certifications will allow us to work with IT teams to help them take into account the impacts of their IT activities and to implement processes and actions to limit them in the long term.

A social approach and a societal role

Committed to local or national associations, Habeum has chosen a limited number of support actions, oriented towards young people in higher education but in economic difficulty.

Nos partenaires stratégiques

Demandez un rappel téléphonique

Notre équipe d’experts est à votre disposition pour parler de la réussite de vos projets ! Envoyez-nous un message et nous vous rappellerons.

Restons connectés !

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Email: sales@habeum.com
Téléphone: +33 (0)1 78 96 90 80

Nos partenaires technologiques

Habeum est membre de la communauté référente des experts IT
séquence informatique
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