IaaS - Infrastructure As A Service

We manage your infrastructure, you focus on your business applications

A key issue in today’s competitive environment is the need for organizations to free themselves from traditional IT infrastructure that can hinder agility and slow down growth.

Habeum’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering represents a disruptive and positive option, depending on your organization’s specific needs:

Cost control and Opex/Capex articulation

No initial investment. You keep better control over your expenses and cash flow.

Fine customization

You determine the solutions to be integrated among storage, servers, virtualization, operating system, middleware, runtime, data and application according to your needs.

Speed and flexibility

Habeum takes care of the maintenance and allows you to deploy applications faster with a much more flexible adaptability to your capacity needs (increase or decrease your storage capacity on demand).

Stability and performance

Habeum takes care of the interconnection of your systems (equipment problems, compatibility, language, etc.) and makes your infrastructure work.

Cloud computing services

Users can run any operating system or application on the leased servers without incurring the costs of maintaining and operating those servers.

Other benefits of infrastructure as a service include access to servers in geographic locations close to end users. IaaS automatically scales up and down based on demand and provides a guaranteed service level agreement (SLA) for both uptime and performance.

It eliminates the need to manually provision and manage physical servers in data centers.

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How to implement infrastructure as a service?

The implementation can be done in a public, private or hybrid cloud. Our specialists are at your disposal to modify the infrastructure according to your needs. New servers can be put online as part of an evolution of your business.

The steps


Test and development

Test and development environments are quick and easy to set up with IaaS. This allows applications to be brought to market faster.


Backup and recovery

IaaS solves storage management and recovery problems. It manages unpredictable storage demand and needs without requiring the company to dedicate staff to manage it.


Big data analysis

IaaS provides the processing power needed to economically exploit large data sets.

IS outsourcing

IT outsourcing has become a key point in the strategy of companies and of every IT decision maker. Outsourcing all or part of your IT to a partner like Habeum allows you to :

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Téléphone: +33 (0)1 78 96 90 80

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