
Complete connectivity solutions for your business

Complete connectivity solutions for your business:

Internet link & transit, in France and abroad (European coverage).

After analyzing your needs and constraints, we offer you the most suitable solution for your activity

couverture réseau

We can go further than just providing connectivity


Our integrator solutions

Professional Internet access - Optical fiber & xDSL

Traditional operators do not meet your company’s connectivity needs? Habeum, a certified operator, can offer you adapted Internet access.

accès internet et fibre optique
lan to lan


The Lan to Lan service allows you to interconnect all your sites and local networks with the convenience and flexibility of a WAN.


Low cost, optimized deployment and responsive maintenance


Low cost, optimized deployment and responsive maintenance


Moving from one access point to thousands with the same architecture

Nos partenaires stratégiques

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Restons connectés !

habeum white

Email: sales@habeum.com
Téléphone: +33 (0)1 78 96 90 80

Nos partenaires technologiques

Habeum est membre de la communauté référente des experts IT
séquence informatique
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