Hewlett Packard Enterprise - HPE

HPE’s IT operations capabilities aim to bridge the performance, security and resiliency of on-premises infrastructure with the scalability, agility and efficiency that characterize the public cloud. Hybrid computing is a combination of cloud environments and features that allow for simple and natural interoperability. Defining the right balance for hybrid IT is a challenge, but customers can count on Habeum and HPE to simplify the development of their hybrid IT systems.

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Habeum and HPE - a strategic partnership to serve our customers

Our level of certification with HPE guarantees the expertise of our resources on these solutions. This allows us to offer you the most suitable solutions for your needs


Hyperconvergence is a technology that has proven itself for almost half a decade now.

An HCI system (for Hyper Converged Infastrucuture), is basically a single hardware solution (all in one format), including all the layers necessary for an IT infrastructure:

What has made these solutions successful over the years is their simplicity of implementation, operation, and scalability.
Nevertheless, the “black box” aspect represents, in some cases, a real problem for end users. Indeed, in a Hyper Converged infrastructure, all resources (compute, storage AND associated licenses) evolve at the same time.

Typically, a user who has reached the storage limits of his HCI cluster, and who therefore wishes to extend it within his hyperconverged solution, is, by the very nature of HCI, forced to acquire a new node, and therefore the compute but above all the additional associated licenses.
Gartner has even called this the “HCI tax”…

As a reminder, the main interest of HCI is its simplicity of implementation, its end-to-end integration, and its scalability.

HPE, following the acquisition of Nimble (SAN storage solution), has developed a solution that combines all the advantages of a hyperconverged solution, while freeing itself from historical constraints.

This solution is called Nimble dHCI.

HPE Nimble Storage dHCI is an intelligent platform that delivers the flexibility of convergence and the simplicity of HCI. This solution disaggregates compute and storage, and integrates hyperconverged control on the industry-leading HPE ProLiant server and self-managed flash storage from HPE Nimble Storage.

Simplicity combined with intelligence:

The infrastructure is centered on the VM and is fully controlled in your usual interface (VMware vCenter or Microsoft SCVMM), all monitored by Infosight (see infographic below)


Incredibly resilient:

Designed for 99.9999% availability with 100% Flash speed and sub-millisecond latency for always-on applications.

Effective scalability:

Expand compute and storage TOTALLY independently, stretched across a hybrid cloud, with unparalleled data efficiency, using the HCI-specific VM-centric approach.

The objective of this solution is to allow you to concentrate on your business rather than on the means necessary for its implementation.

The typical infrastructure can be broken down as follows:


Scalable and efficient

hpe nimble
gamme hybride
gamme full flash

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